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What is the HMRC contact number?

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The HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) National Insurance Number Verification (NINoV) Overseas Verification Unit (NOVA) doesn’t have a specific contact phone number that’s publicly available. The NOVA unit deals with car imports and registrations from overseas into the United Kingdom.

If you need to contact HMRC’s NOVA unit regarding a car import or registration issue, you should refer to the official HMRC website for the most up-to-date contact information. You can usually find contact details and guidance related to car imports, registrations, and associated tax matters on the HMRC website.

To find the appropriate contact information for your specific situation, you can visit the HMRC website’s “Contact HMRC” section. From there, you can search for the relevant contact details based on the nature of your query, including information related to importing cars, registering cars, or tax matters associated with car imports.

Please note that contact information and procedures may change, so it’s recommended to verify the information directly from the official HMRC website or any official communications you may have received.

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